Logra was founded in 1999 by 2 consultants, coaches, trainers, Doug Boyle and Erwin Peter. They trained experts to be perceived as consultants and were pioneers in teaching opportunity and account management as well as “business partner collaboration” in Europe.
From the beginning the business has been world-wide and multi-lingual.
The company is now run by Erwin Peter who continues working with clients himself, supported by colleagues of the global Logra network.
“Lograr” is Spanish and means “To Achieve”. Our name and logo symbolise what we stand for: we help you move upward and forward, help our clients achieve their goals: Since the company was founded in 1999, we have helped customers all over the world achieve their objectives mainly in complex sales, in external consulting, in internal collaboration, leadership and training.
Why Logra?
You work with people who are
- Experienced having been in the trenches and leading themselves
- Used to training, coaching, consulting for years
- Analytical and communicative
- Applying common sense
With one goal in mind: to have your organisation and your employees succeed
What is Logra?
- Logra is a hub of contributors and methodologies,
- Logra is a world-wide network of trainers, coaches, consultants, designers, session hosts and other types of contributors who work with Logra
- We work with world-class methodology partners in fields where they excel, such as Zenger Folkman or Upland-Altify.
- Logra is a Limited Liability Company registered and having offices in Switzerland,.
Logra’s Success
Logra’s success is measured by
- Client success and satisfaction
- Work satisfaction by those who work for/with Logra either directly or indirectly
- The profit we make short/medium term as well as by profit growth over time,
Logra’s Clients
- Logra’s “company clients” are big and medium sized companies who want to have methodologies and processes implemented by internal and/or external consultants into their organisation, as well as smaller companies, who need these skills within their organisation to be successful.
- Logra’s “training clients” are training organisations who need resources to deploy and sometimes develop training courses in a variety of topics in different parts of the world, in local languages.
- Logra’s “individual clients” are the participants of our workshops, who use what they learned to become more successful personally.
- Logra’s “contributor clients” are individuals or smaller organisations who support Logra’s company and training clients reaching their objectives: trainers, coaches, consultants, designers, session hosts.
What can we help you achieve?
We help you achieve your objectives as
- A company
- A business unit
- A service unit
- A training organisation
- An individual
Your need defines how we can contribute to your success, with one of the business, training or contributor offerings described on this website.
Our principles
- We want to understand the need before recommending a solution.
- We are flexible in framing our engagement according to the needs of our clients.
- We are results oriented.
- We strive towards having a sustainable impact
- Management involvement is key to lasting change.
- Wherever it makes sense we work using real life cases vs. theoretical case studies
- Methodologies, processes and rigour implementing and applying them are essential, but should not exclude common sense.
- We are methodology agnostic as long as the methodology chosen fits the need.
- Planning is important to us, but also the execution of plans.
- We strive towards delivering Swiss quality in whatever we do.
- We are willing to learn, to add partners and offerings.
- We respect and adapt to all cultures and personalities
- We operate in an ethical way and respect legislation