Account Management

Develop customers to optimise your share of wallet over time.


Basic Methods and Workshops
Altify We have been working with Altify and predecessors owning Enterprise and Portfolio Sales Process (ESP/PMP) methodologies for decades.

Altify offers the leading platform integrating Account Management, Opportunity Management and Salesforce. Seamless collaboration of teams and management to help big clients be successful and thus increasing share of wallet sustainably.


Yours We are methodology agnostic. We work with whatever reasonable methodology you may own or have licenced.
AccountWinner Account Management methodology for significant accounts
ClientWinner Account Management for smaller Accounts and for Account Portfolios.


Sustainability and Skills Offerings
Account Plan Development Workshops Workshops or series of workshops to plan accounts with account teams that may be large and globally based.
Coaching Account Plan Workshop A workshop that helps Managers become better at analysing account plans and running subsequent plan reviews in a constructive, efficient and effective way.
Value Communication Workshop A workshop that provides participants with a framework to create a value proposition and then to communicate it in different formats.
Sales Leadership Workshop A workshop that provides sales leadership with insight and tools to leverage their experience to develop their sales force to success. Including implementation and application decisions.
Handover sessions Structured sessions to hand over account responsibility
Plan review sessions Facilitate sessions to review account plans
  • Management
  • Account Managers
  • Account Teams
  • Account Plans
  • Assessments
  • Processes
  • Change projects
  • Process Audits
Developing We adapt our or your workshops to have them better support your goal achievement or develop new ones